"Looking ahead, Crossword projects ₹400 crore in revenue for the next financial year, driven by a 30 per cent plus growth ...
Crossword Bookstores, the largest bookstore chain in India, anticipates reaching Rs 400 crore in revenue next financial year, spearheaded by a 30% growth. With 120 stores in 40 cities, they aim to ...
Crossword Bookstores, India's largest bookstore chain, projects Rs 400 crore revenue for the next fiscal year, driven by expansion and growth.
Nidhi Gupta, Executive Director, Crossword Bookstores, says, "We're thrilled to see HarperCollins India launch Booktopus, an exciting new chapter in children's publishing, and delighted to bring ...
Tina Narang, Executive Publisher - HarperCollins Children's Books, says, "We are delighted to launch Booktopus, a new imprint that will add some fun and entertainment into the pre-school segment.