The Red Planet will be at its closest point to Earth, also known as perigee, on Jan. 12 and will be exactly opposite the sun ...
It's called an occultation, and it doesn't happen frequently. Here's how to see the dance between the full moon and Mars ...
Every 26 months, the orbits of Earth and Mars allow us a closer look when Mars is at opposition — which will happen on Jan.
An exploding budget and an unraveling schedule spell disappointment for NASA's mission to learn more about Mars's history.
MARS is set to appear its biggest and brightest for the next two years tomorrow night, as it reaches opposition with Earth.
Unlike the dunes on Earth which are constantly in motion, the kidney bean-shaped dunes on Mars appear surprisingly motionless ...
The moon will occult Mars in a rare astronomical event, coinciding with the month's full Wolf Moon that peaks on the same ...
On Sunday (Jan. 12), the Red Planet will make its close approach of Earth at 8:32 a.m. EST (13:32 GMT). This event, known as ...