A Reno, Nevada community college professor won a victory in appeals court this week after alleging he was retaliated against ...
An undergraduate student placed on Notice of Academic Dismissal must earn at least a 2.0 University term GPA in the subsequent term. If a student on Notice of Academic Dismissal earns less than a 2.0 ...
A student may be placed on probation and dismissed from the Graduate School for failure to maintain academic good standing. To be considered in good academic standing, graduate students shall: ...
or graduate academic dismissal. Students are placed on academic probation for the following violations of the University requirement that graduate students must maintain good academic standing.
Students who fall below these thresholds are generally placed on academic probation, but they are subject to dismissal if their GPA or rate of course completion would make good standing unlikely in ...
or show substantial academic progress within one semester, they will be academically dismissed. There is no opportunity for reinstatement after academic dismissal; however, a student may request an ...
will be dismissed from Western Michigan University. Academic standing policies are available from the Registrar's Office. Students who last attended WMU four or more years ago may apply for academic ...
A pdf of the Graduate School Guidelines for Student Academic Progress and Success and Procedures for Dismissal is also available. Each doctoral student must have a faculty advisor (often referenced ...
Once placed on final probation an undergraduate student must receive a cumulative GPA of at least 2.00 the next semester; failure to do so will result in academic dismissal and enrollment in future ...
Academic Dismissal: A student who was on Academic Suspension at the end of the previous semester and whose cumulative GPA at the end of the probationary semester is below 2.000 is automatically ...
Any student whose term GPA and/or cumulative GPA falls below 2.0 will be placed on academic probation, and if GPA remains below 2.0 for two consecutive semesters, the student will be dismissed. Any ...