Deferred prosecution agreements allow defendants across Alachua County to complete community service hours or donate to ...
Charges have been delayed for a man accused of having sexual contact with a child and a dog on camera. Evan Mark Shelline was ...
At least six former U.S. attorneys who served during the Democratic Biden administration took new jobs at private law firms ...
Guidepost appointed as independent monitor of TD Bank's anti-money laundering programs pursuant to Justice Department ...
March 5 Vincent Rubano Aldaco, 24, 1710 N. 20th St., Apt. 2, battery, no contest plea, 18-month deferred prosecution agreement. Teresa Arlen Escabez-DelFigueroa, 54, Duluth, disorderly conduct, ...
Former Libby Middle High School Principal Jim Germany Jr., has reached an agreement with the Lincoln County Attorney’s Office ...
Honolulu’s former managing director, corporation counsel and police commission chairperson were formally charged with ...