Galileo Galilei was born on February 15 ... and not the other way around. Putting truth on trial Armed with his discoveries, Galileo converted to Copernicanism, the thoughts of Polish astronomer ...
The drama of Galileo's trial by the Inquisition in 1633 has cast him as a renegade astronomer who scoffed at the Bible and drew fire from a Church blind to reason. Indeed, the myth of the martyred ...
On a cold January day in 1642, Galileo Galilei took his last breath ... In 1633, Galileo found himself on trial, accused of heresy for challenging the Church's geocentric dogma.
Galileo Galilei was the founder of modern physics ... Why did Galileo make this adjuration at the trial, admitting what he knew to be a lie? Was he a coward? Did he think it more important ...