An Appellate Division foursome of justices upheld a ban on Simon's 2019 attempt to fire the village court clerk, Elsie Cheron ...
YOUNGSTOWN — Dan Dascenzo, who is running unopposed in the Democratic primary for Mahoning County Clerk of Courts, was appointed to the position by the Mahoning County Democratic Party Central ...
She claimed the actions were retaliation for her running against her boss in the Clerk of Courts office, Aubrea Hagerty-Haynes, in the 2021 race for the elected clerk of records for the county.
YOUNGSTOWN — Dan Dascenzo, who is running unopposed in the Democratic primary for Mahoning County Clerk of Courts, was appointed to the position by the Mahoning County Democratic Party Central ...
SPRING VALLEY -- Mayor Alan Simon, a disbarred attorney who also got the boot as a judge, is not seeking another term running the full ... to fire the village court clerk, Elsie Cheron.