School districts across the Bay Area are facing financial crises from declining enrollment, with many turning to school ...
The study on preparing Bay Area communities for rising sea levels says Marin faces $17 billion in expenses to build adaptive ...
But in the Bay Area, the declines have been larger, with a 7.5% drop in Alameda County, 9% drop in San Francisco ... fund schools primarily through local property taxes, which are a funding ...
has ordered me to sell the real property (the "Property") situated in Bernalillo County, New Mexico, commonly known as 10516 4TH Street NW, Albuquerque, NM 87114, and more particularly described ...
The Livermore City Council on Monday night unanimously approved spending $670,000 toward the purchase of 82 acres in unincorporated land outside the urban growth boundary to preserve as open space ...
Staff will continue to evaluate federal, state and local grant opportunities and work with Alameda County Transportation Commission to ... limited commercial development in the property east of the ...
Now, it’s back in local hands. The first phase of the remodel will overhaul the main entrance of the mall and buff up the ...
Those who signed the pro-argument include three former mayors of Dublin: Alameda County Supervisor ... fund the Extension and seek grant funding for any remaining costs.” Despite talk of splitting ...