A Complete Unknown, directed by James Mangold, recounts Bob Dylan’s rapid rise to fame in the early 1960s as a pioneering singer-songwriter who later went on to redefine American music and culture.
Demi Moore, who received her first-ever Oscar nomination for Actress in a Leading Role in "The Substance" released the following statement.
Gaby Moreno has long chosen to embrace both her Latin American roots and the myriad musical influences of the United States, ...
Episode two of The Opus podcast digs into The Bard's masterful songwriting with two modern wordsmiths. Kevin Morby, Beth Orton on Bob Dylan’s Songwriting: Blood on the Tracks 50th Anniversary Podcast ...
And speaking of giant lizards, April will bring the release of Godzilla Vs. Hulk and Godzilla Vs. Spider-Man, two one-shots ...
Chrissie Hynde, Susanna Hoffs and others have been added to the star-studded Patti Smith tribute concert in New York in March.