You just got a summons for jury duty in South Florida. What do you do now? Well, you can follow the directions and serve at the appointed date. Or you can try to get out of it. The state of ...
We’ve scoured our sources near and far, and we found 10 excuses you can use if you need to get out of jury duty in Georgia. Here’s what to know: However, you must prove your excuse with some ...
A new scam involves calls, texts and emails that threaten to arrest people unless they pay thousands for missing jury duty.
The bill will now go to the House floor for its final vote. If approved, it will be sent to Gov. Kay Ivey’s office for ...
We’ve scoured our sources near and far, and we found 10 excuses you can use if you need to get out of jury duty in Mississippi. Here’s what to know: According to the DeSoto County, Mississippi website ...
You may never get over the sudden death of a loved one in a wrongful death case. Although you know that no amount of ...
According to reports, scammers call pretending to be sheriff’s deputies — often using the name Sergeant John Collins — and falsely claim you have missed federal jury duty or ignored a subpoena.
"Next time someone you ... for jury service. It’s a non-negotiable, unpaid civic duty. If we're really honest with ourselves, are businesses properly prepared to support employees if they’re called?