At the onset of his presidency eight years ago, President Emmerson Mnangagwa pledged to be a listening president. Mnangagwa, who took over from the late Robert Mugabe after the 2017 military coup, ...
He also warned Chivayo that Chikurubi Maximum Security Prison was not full. Seven years later, the Gwanda solar project is yet to begin even after the government was made to part with millions of ...
I was to learn fairly soon thereafter (via my detention with Neil Harper in Chikurubi Maximum Security Prison) how right he was. In hindsight, I suspect that the conversation could well have been an ...
Residence Lilongwe, Malawi (Living in Exile). Chihuri was reported to have indicated that members of the Z.R.P who did not support Zanu-PF should leave the force and that he himself would not serve ...