"For us, it was that lack of conviction in some of the key moments really. We got into some good areas but ultimately, we didn't have that quality to get that second." Saturday afternoon's draw ...
He claims the 2020 presidential election was stolen from President Donald Trump and he is a defender of criminally convicted former ... It will not be easy for a Republican to be elected governor ...
Bret Stephens: It might be premature to draw firm conclusions ... who will feel vindicated in their conviction that if the United States can bring itself to betray its allies in Saigon, Kabul ...
Most users of this material go unnoticed by law enforcement, and little is known about users of child sexual abuse material who have not been convicted ... the internet and easy access to ...
JR: That’s right—but nobody should forget that Trump has lost hundreds of millions of dollars in court actions, and he, of course, is a convicted ... and it’s easy to lose sight of what ...
“I am not saying this is going to be easy. It won’t be easy ... citing a lack of enough proof to get a conviction. Cuomo, 67, said he did not intentionally mistreat women and had simply ...
But if it is a decision that is easy to come back from ... when you have some experience — and data — to draw from. “You have to have some conviction and a basis for your decisions ...
Höcke was convicted and forced to pay a €13,000 fine ... They were separated by rows of police cars, but it was easy to see that the counterprotest was nearly double the size of the AfD ...
Some of its members have been convicted of violating German law against ... about Ukraine and security in Europe?” Scholz said, drawing laughter from the audience. Then he addressed Vance ...
As a citizen, I pray that we draw new inspiration from the memories ... I know that organising such a massive event was no easy task. I pray to Maa Ganga, Maa Yamuna, and Maa Saraswati to forgive ...