Statistics weigh heavily against defendants in the criminal justice system. Only 0.4% were acquitted after trial in federal cases during fiscal ...
If only we could all let it play out. There is no process publicly anymore, no presumption of innocence, no patience to wait before turning to a game of one-upmanship: Who can best phrase their ...
The stay was in response to evidence of Wood’s innocence and various constitutional violations at his trial, which Wood’s lawyers outlined in a lengthy petition last month. But the court’s order left ...
The Hawaii Innocence Project took up his case, and during a hearing this week it argued that Cordeiro must be released on the grounds of new evidence proving his innocence, ineffectiveness of his ...
a Sayreville high school student Cymanski is scheduled to be sentenced in March on the charges In a letter posted on social media Cymanski is maintaining his innocence in the crime SAYREVILLE ...