Limiting gun possession for people under 21 and allowing lawmakers with concealed handgun licenses to carry in the Capitol ...
Black and Latino Californians are experiencing long wait times for concealed carry gun licenses, leading some to suspect racial bias or political foot-dragging.
Ballot Measure 114 bans purchases of magazines that can hold more than 10 rounds of ammunition. It also requires a permit ...
Santa Clara County's concealed carry permitting process has been mired in scandal -- fueling the civil bribery conviction of former Sheriff Laurie Smith, who jurors found guilty of selectively ...
Seventeen states and the District of Columbia require dealers to obtain a license, including Washington and California, to engage in the retail sale of firearms. Lawmakers would be allowed to ...
A proposed law would hold gun manufacturers and retailers responsible for harm done by their weapons if they don’t work to prevent them from falling into the wrong hands.
Washington state lawmakers advanced a bill Thursday requiring a “permit-to-purchase” to buy and possess firearms. The ...
Evidence at Davis’ week-long trial showed that he traveled back and forth between California and Texas ... a fine of $250,000 for dealing firearms without a license and up to 10 years in ...
Machine guns are not protected under the Second Amendment of the U.S. Constitution, the Indiana Court of Appeals ruled last ...
Evidence at Davis’ week-long trial showed that he traveled back and forth between California and Texas ... a fine of $250,000 for dealing firearms without a license and up to 10 years in ...