All 20 GOP senators signed on to Senate Bill 16, which would apply to currently registered voters, and restrict some to only ...
A vote on the SAVE Act, ostensibly aimed at preventing undocumented immigrants from voting, could come by the end of this ...
Congressional Republicans are pushing legislation that would make sweeping changes to voter registration, including requiring ...
It also prompted lengthy legal fights that continue even ... this past November than voters who had provided proof of citizenship, the analysis found. Arizona officials discovered last summer ...
A bill requiring Texans to provide proof of citizenship to be able to vote in state, local, and presidential elections is ...
In Restem, LLC v. Jadi Cell, LLC, No. 2023-2054 (Fed. Cir. Mar. 13, 2025), the Federal Circuit upheld the Patent Trial and ...
Do documentary proof of citizenship laws stop a lot of illegal voting or suppress the votes of eligible voters? How have such ...
Ackerman v. Pink asks how much of a written history can be claimed as proprietary by the author of that history. The answer: ...
Schumer Backs Spending Bill and Lines Up Enough Democrats to Pass It Many Democrats wanted to block Republicans’ measure in defiance of President Trump, but Senator Chuck Schumer said a shutdown ...
After the case survived a motion to dismiss, Co-Diagnostics brought on Doug Greene, Genevieve York-Erwin and their team at ...