Kirkland chair Jon Ballis said the firm remains focused on capturing market share but also keeping clients satisfied and ...
Trump targeted a second major US law firm Friday, two days after a federal judge put on hold an executive order intended to ...
Harvey has announced that ‘next-generation agents’ will now be available on its platform, which it defines as ‘systems that ...
Kirkland chair Jon Ballis said the firm remains focused on capturing market share but also keeping clients satisfied and growing the business in the right areas, including international markets.
Ductus Legal emphasizes a progressive and client-centric approach—how does this set you apart from other corporate law firms?
IN the face of a legal challenge by a multi-national pharmaceutical giant, a South African pharmaceutical company has fought ...
Over the course of my career, I have filed around 160 appeals and have guidelines that I follow to optimize my chances of ...
Baraa Kahf is a litigation partner and diversity committee chair at Knobbe Martens, specializing in intellectual property law ...
IN the face of a legal challenge by a multi-national pharmaceutical giant, a South African pharmaceutical company has fought ...
President Trump's antitrust enforcers are not backing down from legal fights with Big Tech, even as the administration ...
While abundance liberals don’t all agree on everything, they are united by an overarching aim of a world of plenty: clean air ...
As with middle-class shoplifting, there are what Matt Hopkins, an associate professor in criminology at the University of ...