The West Tennessee Drug Task Force is reporting that several pounds of marijuana were found during a drug bust.
Plaintiffs in a lawsuit over January's immigration raids are seeking a preliminary injunction against U.S. Customs and Border Protection tactics used when conducting searches. Last month, the American ...
A female driver was arrested on I-40 on Sunday after drug agents discovered 150 pounds of marijuana in her rental van during ...
COLUMBIA, S.C. (WSPA) – A bill in the senate is focusing on how South Carolina Law Enforcement should handle high-speed ...
An elderly Virginia man is suing officers from his local police department for $500,000 after they authorized and conducted ...
The Fourth Amendment of the U.S. Constitution secures the individual right against unreasonable search and seizure, ensuring ...
An Alabama couple filed a nearly $15 million federal lawsuit claiming Tennessee authorities unjustly took their children from ...
The court says the police detained the woman without probable cause and conducted the search with neither reasonable suspicion nor probable cause, which prevents the officers from pleading immunity.
An investigation found the owner of the lending company also retaliated against an employee that filed a complaint about the policy, officials said.
A couple was falsely accused of DUI charges and arrested during a family vacation, causing them to lose custody of their ...
The DCR’s preliminary investigation determined there was probable cause and that there is evidence supporting reasonable grounds of suspicion that the company violated the law, officials said.