Manfred II displayed an overt act of sexism by infantilizing one of the women present — the youngest woman in the room — who had appealed a speeding ticket. Despite the fact that the judge ...
Richardson’s attorney, DeAundres Wilson, told the judge she is “particularly amenable to probation.” He said she does not have a prior criminal history — “not even a parking ticket ...
She called the number and got an email instructing her to pay $360, more than she would have paid for a ticket; the local fine for speeding 11-15 mph over the ... McIntire wrote a letter of apology to ...
“Just a slap on the wrist and a ticket to carry on your ... Harte had written a letter of apology, but this was rejected by the Keating family. Judge Garavan handed down a 17-month suspended ...
A bipartisan collection of lawmakers want to ask Arizona voters whether legislators should continue to be exempt from ...
If you fell for this, you may have got a $50 ticket that stated the need for a ... For an ethical remedy, look to a Saskatoon criminal court judge who reportedly ordered court lawyers to turn ...
Her lawyer later motioned to dismiss the case, but a judge rejected it because the ticket included a criminal speeding charge, not a civil one, given how fast she was driving. The controversial ...
On 3/5 Tyler Cowan wrote an opinion piece about Trump's offer of a $5 million “gold card” to immigrants which would give purchasers and their families a quick path to citizenship. He concludes ...
The Honolulu Star-Advertiser welcomes all opinions. Want your voice to be heard? Submit a letter to the editor. >> Write us: We welcome letters up to 150 words, and guest columns of 500-600 words.
The government’s white paper on local government reform has no published criteria for us poor citizens — who pay for these services — to judge whether creating another merger will truly ...
Sample placed eighth at the state tournament last season. Reno-Gaus also lost her quarterfinal bout. She won a tech fall in the consolation bracket before a 10-9 decision in the blood round sent ...
Daniel Robinson is a writer based in Greenville, N.C. with expertise in auto insurance, loans, warranty options and more. Away from the keyboard, Daniel spends time with his wife and son, plays ...