The story of Easter is thus not about balancing or neutralizing sin but about the collapse of sin’s false narrative under the ...
“As ‘The Hound of Heaven’ inverts man’s search for God into God’s pursuit of man,” Plunkett writes, “‘My Butterfly’ inverts the search for inspiration into the spirit’s pursuit ...
Western Digital announced the separation of its flash product business in a press release on its newsroom website this week. There, in addition to confirming the completed separation of its flash ...
Mr. Day welcomed us into his home and showed us his masterpiece. He painted a beautiful scroll for us! Trees in the creation ...
Through sacrifice and unwavering faith, Abraham’s covenant with God prefigures the greater fulfillment in Christ, as depicted in sacred art through the ages.
What makes a healthy relationship? A fat bank account, well-behaved kids, and a village to help out don’t hurt. But, in all honesty, what makes a happy marriage is a commitment to, well ..
Stealing the power of the Beyonders and empowered by an enslaved Molecule Man, "God Emperor Doom" manages to create a new reality and "saves" the day. His Battleworld is every bit as twisted as ...
To do the will of God and be a part of his plan for us, is a fine and glorious thing, which is worth any amount trouble. Nothing can separate us from the love of God.