It's always good (and frustratingly rare) to see the mainstream media get it right when it comes to pseudoscience in medicine ...
David writes: My wife says shorts are not pants. I say shorts are pants. Short pants, but pants. I seek an order preventing her from saying or implying that I’m not wearing pants when I’m wearing ...
I think it is both possible and necessary for people to disagree with each other constructively on important matters. All ...
Recently, two Massachusetts families filed a first-of-its-kind lawsuit targeting publishers and authors of literacy curricula ...
U.S. President Donald Trump’s efforts to cement his legacy in the Middle East were well underway even before he reclaimed the White House. “There’s just no way that President Trump isn’t going to be ...
When headlines include a cause-effect conclusion based on correlational evidence, that’s the false cause fallacy, and it can mislead the public with concerning consequences. I’ve previously ...
But this is a fallacy. Tariff levels on average for the US and the EU are roughly similar. The imbalance in trade is the result of the difference in domestic demand conditions. The US is consuming ...
Why do so many Americans believe that immigration increases crime and that smartphones are to blame for the teen mental health crisis? It may be the false cause fallacy.
“‘The time has come,’ the Walrus said, ‘To talk of many things: Of shoes and ships, and sealing-wax, Of cabbages and kings,’” Lewis Carroll wrote in his famous poem, “The Walrus and ...
In four days’ time a new government will commence its term in office. There is a firm commitment among all its constituent parts that it will remain in place until November 2029. With the ...