One thing he drummed in was the notion of false economy, second cousin to sunk-cost fallacy. The latter you ... out lessons as succinct as the pizza dilemma whenever someone tries applying useless ...
Telling people that suffering is optional is not only misleading, but it can also hinder the normal healing process.
Attorney Stuart Silverman says the First Circuit’s widening the divide on the False Claims Act’s causation standard adds to the need for the Supreme Court to weigh in.
What does the second Trump administration augur for the False Claims Act? The question remains how, not if, the Trump DOJ ...
The evidence has been conclusive from time immemorial. Economic systems flourish with private incentives that gratify the innate craving for ...
A few days later, we were back to normal February temperatures again. This kind of boomerang weather is called false spring — a day or two of warmth bracketed by cold — and it is a normal ...
Martien Lubberink says in bank regulation, some problems never heal. And the current vacuum of credible RBNZ leadership ...