The defendant relied on the unambiguous impropriety exception to the without prejudice rule. The claimant argued that the letter, properly analysed, does not contain any admission of fundamental ...
Below, The New York Times annotated Ms. Sassoon’s letter to Attorney General Bondi ... ordered Sassoon to drop the case against Adams "without prejudice." That means it can be resurrected ...
Judge Dale Ho sought the independent assessment from Clement after the Justice Department moved to dismiss the Adams case ...
The U.S. Department of Justice is seeking a dismissal of the case without prejudice, which would allow prosecutors to refile charges against Adams. Adams' lawyers cited a leaked letter from the ...
Among other things, the mayor’s lawyers cited what they called “leaked” letters from those prosecutors ... apparently animated the bid for a “without prejudice” dismissal to begin ...
New York City Mayor Eric Adams is pushing for the dismissal of the federal corruption case against him in a way that would ...