And while Geisel himself was always apprehensive of adaptation, The 5,000 Fingers of Dr. T was meant to be his expedition ...
In honor of his birthday, here are five things that you might not know about Dr. Seuss. Yes that’s right, Dr. Seuss wasn’t a ...
This week, Columbia Basin College (CBC) is celebrating the legacy of Dr. Seuss as part of National Read Across America Week.
It’s a special treat for me today as we revisit a tribute to Dr. Seuss, published one year ago. Dr. Seuss, also known as Theodor Geisel, remains one of the most cherished and prolific children’s book ...
I grew up reading Dr. Seuss books like “Hop on Pop,” but ... We gathered around her outside in the sun and took in the words as 17 and 18-year-olds contemplating what our futures could be.
But disabled folks and their allies will not be duped. Republican politicians cannot successfully pit disabled people against ...
I love this time of year. Dr. Seuss’s birthday is celebrated, with opportunities for me to read to grade school classes. This ...
Anyone can submit a request for a word to be translated, explains Dr Gearóid Ó Cleircín from DCU’s Fiontar & Scoil na Gaeilge, who also sits on the committee. "Basically the requests will ...
Home to renowned colleges and universities and the birthplace of numerous writers and artists, Western Mass is an historic ...
Happy National Reading Month! The month coincides with the March 2 birthday of author and cartoonist Dr. Seuss who believed reading was a fundamental skill for children. You might be like John ...
Art, athleticism and fashion can be enjoyed this weekend in Lake County along with the Sumter County Fair. Plus a one-tank ...
I know this sounds like Dr. Seuss. Passing one thing is a lot easier ... before the House Budget Committee could even meet. That created the very real possibility that the Senate could jam the ...