For too long we have been concerned with symptoms rather than the cause. Juvenile delinquency does not just happen. That it comes from adult delinquency is true, but here again adults are often ...
This new study is an attempt to penetrate to the real causes of delinquency and crime ... approved a plan to train teachers to detect juvenile delinquency, or tendencies toward it, in grade ...
Juvenile crime and delinquency are serious problems all over ... If preventive measures address the very causes of criminality, rehabilitation programmes and services should be made available ...
For many years, a heated dispute has raged among sociologists concerning the causes of adult crime and juvenile delinquency. "Environment," claimed some. "Heredity," instead others. The astounding ...
This metric measures the incarceration rate of juveniles ages 10 to the upper age limit for juvenile delinquency in a state per 100,000 in the population, using data from the Office of Juvenile ...