Una sala del Tribunal Supremo de Justicia de Venezuela declaró el viernes inadmisible la solicitud de revisión constitucional ...
O Tribunal Supremo de Justiça (TSJ) declarou, nesta sexta-feira (11), "inadmissível" o recurso apresentado pelo ex-candidato ...
According to Cabello, the plot not only involved the CIA but was led by an active duty US Navy Seal, and involved a shipment ...
Venezuela’s Interior Minister has alleged that the detained individuals were part of a unit tasked with assassinating Maduro.
In an alleged assassination bid, Venezuelan authorities have detained at least four US citizens, along with two Spaniards and ...
The Constitutional Chamber of Venezuela's Supreme Court of Justice (TSJ) on Friday declared “inadmissible” an appeal filed by ...
Nicolás Maduro has been president of Venezuela since 2013. He rules the country, which faces grave political and economic ...
The most important battle in human history is for this birthplace, and it is a battle for the liberation of Palestine, the ...
At least 40 people, mostly journalists and human rights activists have had their passports annulled without explanation, the ...
Christmas decorations were seen throughout Venezuela, according to reports. A Christmas tree was displayed in the public ...
El Parlamento de Venezuela, de mayoría chavista, aprobó este martes un acuerdo para "instar" al presidente Nicolás Maduro a ...
Petição, apresentada por um dos candidatos na votação de julho, afirmava que decisão tinha 'vícios de inconstitucionalidade' ...