Priyanka Chopra made the rare move over the weekend of sharing a bikini pinup photo to Instagram. The 42-year-old Quantico actress was flashing her toned tummy and long legs in a fuchsia two piece ...
Actress Priyanka Chopra, known for her entertaining social media presence, is back with a hilarious reel that perfectly ...
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Akshay Kumar’s much-anticipated Sky Force released its official trailer on January 5. The movie will hit theatres on January 24. It is based on the Indian Air Force’s first st ...
Al Jazeera’s Moath al-Kahlout, one of the few journalists in northern Gaza, has been to the scene of an Israeli attack. Hamas tells news agencies it has approved a list of 34 captives to be ...
Tarpon Springs, Florida, celebrated Epiphany on Monday, January 6, 2025, a deeply rooted observance in the city's Greek heritage and one of the most significant celebrations in the United States. This ...