Alaska’s longest running homeschool organization is holding its 39th annual conference next month in Anchorage. The Alaska Private and Home Educators Association (APHEA) event will include talks and ...
Ballots have been mailed out for the Municipality of Anchorage Regular Election on Tuesday, April 1. In an effort to identify conservative minded candidates, Alaska Family Action has published the ...
Gender dysphoria is a mental illness. Every effort in conjunction with the support of parents should be made to help children feel comfortable in the bodies they were born with. Instead, the ...
The federal designation of a National Scenic Trail in Alaska is a mistake that Alaskans should be deeply concerned about. The federal government still owes us land from our statehood. So, why would we ...
Education and knowledge translate into power. Education does not parallel economics or politics, but is the soul of society, and more fundamental than these others. Education determines people’s moral ...
In an effort to ensure that newborn infants are not left abandon to die, the Alaska Legislature is considering a bill that would let parents surrender a newborn baby anonymously by placing them in a ...
With the passage of House Bill 69 by Alaska’s lower chamber on March 12, it seems the State House minority has been unsuccessful at convincing the majority that Alaska education is a failing system in ...
The Alaska Watchman aims to raise awareness of key issues affecting Alaskans. Coming from a broadly Judeo-Christian perspective, we are committed to the highest standards of journalism and ethical ...
Alaska Legislators are saddled with a large, expensive government with declining oil revenues and are trying to spend themselves out of their financial hole. This strategy has worked in the past but ...
Thanks to conservative political momentum at the national level, President Trump is aggressively rolling back federal funding for abortion groups, DEI initiatives and the LGBTQ agenda. This has ...
The Alaska Watchman aims to raise awareness of key issues affecting Alaskans. Coming from a broadly Judeo-Christian perspective, we are committed to the highest standards of journalism and ethical ...
Editor’s note: Alaska Senate Majority Leader Cathy Geissel has introduced Senate Bill 90, which seeks to lower the age (from 18 to 16) at which minors can agree to undergo mental and behavioral health ...