Occasionally, the principle of morality, as outlined in Article 7(1)(f) of the European Union Trademark Regulation (EUTMR), prompts discussions ...
Iberian Summit & Awards, hosted by Leaders League, took place on March 11 at the Hyatt Regency Hesperia in Madrid. The event ...
O Instituto de Marcas da Líbia anunciou que irá suspender temporariamente a aceitação de novos pedidos de registo de marca de 5 de março a 10 de abril de 2025. No entanto, oposições, recursos e ...
No dia 26 de fevereiro decorreu o webinar “Protect Your IP with IT and Inventa: Software Patents and Artificial Intelligence”, com a participação da Inventa. O evento teve lugar no Instituto de ...
From north to south, and from east to west, Africa’s cultural legacy is present in diverse and captivating ways, especially when it comes to its agricultural heritage. From the raw materials used to ...