Secretary for Financial Services & the Treasury Christopher Hui will depart for Beijing on October 19 to attend the Annual ...
Secretary for Health Prof Lo Chung-mau meets health officials of Guangdong Province and Shenzhen Municipality in Shenzhen, ...
The seasonally adjusted unemployment rate stood at 3% for the period between July and September, unchanged from the ...
The Monetary Authority, together with the banking sector, introduces multiple measures to further support the continuous ...
Chief Executive John Lee responds to questions from the public on the economy, innovation and housing issues during a radio ...
The Housing Bureau invites tenders for the third operation and management contract of Light Public Housing, involving a ...
The final register for the 2024 Rural Representative Election, which includes the particulars of registered electors, is ...
施政報告宣布成立發展旅遊熱點工作組,在地區發掘和建設匯聚人氣、富吸引力的旅遊熱點。擔任組長的政務司副司長卓永興表示,他會統籌和督導需要跨部門、業界和社會協作的項目,推動不同單位貫徹主動「識變、應變、求變」的理念,以創新思維發掘和建設新的地區旅遊熱點, ...
今年的財政部長會議以「可持續、數字化、具韌性的亞太經合組織」為主題,探討全球經濟和金融發展情況、推動綠色和可持續發展、金融支持應對氣候變化,以及數字化和普惠金融發展等。其間,陳茂波會與其他經濟體的官員舉行雙邊會談,也會出席亞太經合組織商貿諮詢理事會的 ...
財經事務及庫務局局長許正宇明日前赴北京出席2024金融街論壇年會,於主論壇發表主題演講,翌日返抵香港。 本屆金融街論壇年會今日至星期日舉行,以「信任和信心---共商金融開放合作 ...