The deceptively simple Kakeya conjecture has bedeviled mathematicians for 50 years. A new proof of the conjecture in three ...
Scientists have found that water, under extreme pressure and cold temperatures, can split into two different liquid phases.
Researchers have demonstrated, using a novel approach, that the original solution to Dudeney’s famous dissection problem is ...
The fine art of saying one thing and meaning another is a skill we master before we can even tie our shoes. From toddlers who "technically" cleaned their room by shoving everything under the bed to ...
What shapes are made by a spinning needle? This seemingly innocent problem has puzzled mathematicians for decades, but now a ...
In simple terms, a logical fallacy is a flaw in reasoning that weakens your argument; you’ve drawn a conclusion based on ...
I’m more likely to trust scientists and doctors than my neighbor, some podcaster or a random guy who posts on Facebook.
After the public outcry last year over plans to put hotels, golf courses, pickleball courts and other development in nine targeted state parks, it would seem logical the developers and bureaucrats ...
CBSE Class 12th Sample Papers 2025: The Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) has made available all subject sample papers officially along with solutions for academic year 2024-25 ...
This course covers the fundamentals of logic and standard mathematical proofs. It naturally builds from interpreting and creating logical statements, to thinking critically and identifying errors in ...