Liz Stahl, extension educator of crops from University of Minnesota Extension in Worthington explains things producers need to remember when adding cover crops and herbicides together on an operation.
Bristol Composites Institute, Queen’s Building, University of Bristol, University Walk, Bristol BS8 1TR, U.K. Department of Chemistry, Nagaland University, Lumami Campus, Lumami, Nagaland 798627, ...
“One of the most common means of control is to spray rushes with herbicides containing the chemical MCPA. “An unfortunate side effect of this process is the negative impact MCPA can have on water ...
State Key Laboratory of Green Pesticide, Key Laboratory of Green Pesticide and Agricultural Bioengineering, Ministry of Education, Center for R&D of Fine Chemicals of Guizhou University, Guiyang ...
Hosted by AHDB, this information can be used to help protect crops and the long-term efficacy of herbicides. The AHDB-supported Resistance Action Groups (RAGs) are informal, UK-based groups consisting ...
Nufarm’s cereal herbicide Enforcer M has picked up approval for an expanded ... The product, whose actives include MCPA ester and fluroxypyr (Group 4) and bromoxynil (Group 6), is registered for use ...
“In addition to glyphosate, Nuance can also be mixed with other suitably registered herbicides such as 2,4-D or MCPA ester for resistance management, expanded weed spectrum as well as various other ...