NEW YORK (AP) — R. Kelly’s racketeering and sex trafficking convictions, along with a 30-year prison sentence, were upheld Wednesday by a federal appeals court that concluded the singer ...
The trajectory of R. Kelly’s dramatic fall from grace has taken another definitive turn as a federal appeals court delivered a devastating blow to the former R&B superstar’s attempts to ...
BUTNER, N.C. (WTVD) -- Disgraced R &B recording artist R. Kelly is making headlines after releasing a remix to the popular #ResidualsChallenge on social media. The challenge was first made popular by ...
Disgraced music superstar R. Kelly was dealt a legal blow on Wednesday after an appeals court in New York denied the singer's challenge to his 30-year-prison sentence and conviction on ...
NEW YORK — R. Kelly’s racketeering and sex trafficking convictions, along with a 30-year prison sentence, were upheld Wednesday by a federal appeals court that concluded the singer exploited ...