Cross-examination is the stuff of drama in fictional courtroom depictions. The savvy lawyer taking on a hostile witness on the stand—these are ...
And this was a decade after, according to the federal sex trafficking conspiracy case against Golubski, he was in the drug ...
The list of 86 potential witnesses includes many who testified during the first trial and some new experts hired for the retrial.
The trial is scheduled to start in April and prosecutors said they expected testimony to take about a month, with a planned ...
Attorneys for both sides of the murder trial for Edward Holley, accused of murdering Megan McDonald, launched into quick ...
The jury trial for Jacob Cronick of Bark River, who is accused of shooting his ex-father-in-law, continued Thursday with ...
Laura Willsey, 56, was last seen at her home in the 5200 block of Garden Avenue in July of 2024. Roughly seven months later, ...
Not much is known about the people who will fire the rifles. Prison officials said they have "completed all required training." ...
In practice, due to constant delays and cancellations, there have not been three testimonies a week.Netanyahu has 12 more ...
Former Utah County Attorney David Leavitt is facing a professional sanction for comments he made at his first news conference ...