A writing consultant can help you find ways to make your hook more engaging. Check out some examples of winning personal statements to get some more ideas on interesting hooks and effective writing ...
Provides the reader with a sense of your priorities and judgement, allowing them to know you more personally. The personal statement is just one, but very important, part of an application. Each ...
The most challenging part of the law school application may well be the personal statement. You'll find loads of advice for writing personal statements on the Internet, in books, from paid consultants ...
“Hedging” refers to writing that uses qualifiers and vagueness to create a tone of modesty. Your personal statement is not a place to be modest. Some examples of common hedging words are as follows: ...
Personal Statements carry weight—they are often the first document admissions committees consider. To grab the attention of reviewers right away, then, you want to clearly express your purpose and ...
Graduate and professional schools often require some sort of written statement — often called a “statement of purpose,” “personal statement,” or ... Determine your purpose in writing the statement ...
The personal statement is often required in standard graduate, medical, and law school as well as most fellowship or scholarship application forms. Some schools allow you maximum freedom in what you ...
Your personal statement, recommendation letters ... This doesn't mean, however, that the writing sample can be ignored. Admissions officers may review it for a general sense of your ability ...
Many applications will include a personal essay, in which you describe "where you're ... The essay should be of reasonable length, commonly one or two pages; do not write an autobiography that ...
Please note that writing a personal statement following the guidelines below does not ... you could try listening to podcasts of LSE public events or look in the prospectus for examples of suggested ...
Many applications will include a personal essay, in which you describe "where you're ... The essay should be of reasonable length, commonly one or two pages; do not write an autobiography that ...