Jens Stoltenberg served as NATO secretary general for 10 years. In an interview, he speaks about military aid for Ukraine, ...
As the Israeli army crosses into Lebanon, they have begun ordering Christian villages to evacuate as well. Many, though, have decided to remain - hoping that their neutrality will continue to protect ...
In Namibia, Germany is planning to build a massive green hydrogen plant - right in the middle of a nature preservation. Local environmentalists are furious, but are their concerns valid?
René Benko was one of the richest men in Europe - and after his bankruptcy, he is allegedly without assets. But some suspect he may have hidden his wealth. Creditors, lawyers and detectives are ...
The young women soldiers stationed at the Gaza border fence could have prevented the October 7 attack - if only their superiors had listened to them. Many were murdered or kidnapped in the Palestinian ...
The war in the Gaza Strip has been particularly hard on Palestinian children. The death toll is astonishing and the suffering inconceivable. Ahmed and Nisma are recovering in Qatar after suffering ...
Cries of "Herbert! Herbert!” echo through the packed beer tent at the festival in the Upper Austrian town of Wels three weeks before the election. Some 4,500 visitors are singing "We Are One Big ...
Im EU-Parlament werfen Grüne und Sozialdemokraten EVP-Chef Manfred Weber vor, mit der extremen Rechten zu paktieren. In ...
Das Uno-Nothilfebüro meldet »Anlass zu ernster Besorgnis«. Israel wende im Westjordanland übermäßig Gewalt an, das verschärfe ...
Jobwunder im Kanzleramt: Binnen weniger Jahre ist die Zahl der Planstellen für Beamte um 271 Prozent gewachsen. Aber wozu?
Tausende schwarze Kugeln wurden zuletzt an australische Strände gespült – Herkunft unklar. Behörden sperrten die betroffenen ...
Das Rentenpaket der Ampel bevorzugt die Alten und verschärft Ungerechtigkeiten zwischen den Generationen. Die jungen ...