En una jornada de gran relevancia para la historia y la cultura de Terracina, se presentaron importantes novedades ...
In a day of great significance for the history and culture of Terracina, important archaeological discoveries were presented, ...
En un importante avance para la arqueología en Irak, una expedición de excavación en la histórica provincia de Babilonia ha ...
In a significant advancement for archaeology in Iraq, an excavation expedition in the historic province of Babylon has ...
An international team of scientists, composed of researchers from the Complutense University of Madrid, Saint Louis ...
Un equipo internacional de científicos, compuesto por investigadores de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid, la Saint Louis ...
Si preguntásemos cuál es la monarquía en vigor más antigua del mundo, probablemente la mayoría de los lectores dirían que la ...
If we were to ask what is the world’s oldest active monarchy, most readers would probably say the British without giving it ...
No one should be alarmed by the title of this article because it has nothing to do with Nazism. We are going to talk about ...
El vasto desierto de Ica, en Perú, una región inhóspita y de difícil acceso, captó la atención del mundo científico en 2023 ...
The vast Ica desert in Peru, a remote and difficult-to-access region, captured the scientific world’s attention in 2023 ...
An international team of astronomers has identified and characterized the oldest disc in our galaxy, the Milky Way, which ...