Regarding the obelisk, I think the item below sheds an interesting light on the question of statues, monuments, memorials and on who is worth memorializing and why. This is especially ...
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, some 9.3 million to 41 million of the 337,235,190 Americans alive today are going to get the flu this season, which ...
With Kamala Harris, the United States can turn the page from grievance politics and chaos at the top. We can reject an election denier and liar. We can choose a leader who is young, vibrant and ready ...
In 1980, John Arthur Smith and I had just been elected chairs of the Luna and Doña Ana County Democrats, respectively. We faced a series of events that year that ...
New Mexicans have always understood the importance of water, but now they are coming together with an urgent message: Water can’t wait.
Plazas have been a vital part of both Native and Spanish communities for centuries. Since the first pueblos were founded here in the 12th century, plazas have been at their ...
The closure of the road to the Santa Fe Ski basin, Hyde Park Road/N.M. 475 — the main artery to the fall colors and a major attraction and enjoyment for ...
When it comes to local public health communications, the New Mexico Department of Health appears to be “absent without leave.” Its lack of such communications is, as far as I ...
New Mexicans are beginning to ask why our state is ranked last in the nation in every important category — from education, to crime, addiction, and child welfare — and ...
Goodell floated the idea as he outlined a plan that could include playing 16 international games every year if the regular season expands to 18 games.