The Crown Prosecution Service
The Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) prosecutes criminal cases that have been investigated by the police and other investigative organisations in England and Wales. The CPS is independent, and we make our decisions independently of the police and government.
About CPS - The Crown Prosecution Service
The Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) prosecutes criminal cases that have been investigated by the police and other investigative organisations in England and Wales. The CPS is independent, and we make our decisions independently of the police and government.
Prosecution guidance | The Crown Prosecution Service
Prosecution guidance assists Crown Prosecutors in their decision making. Purpose. The CPS prosecutes independently, fairly and works to deliver justice in every case. The Code for Crown Prosecutors sets out the overarching principles to be followed by Crown Prosecutors when they make case decisions.
The Criminal Justice System - The Crown Prosecution Service
The Crown Prosecution Service 102 Petty France, London, SW1H 9EA GOV.UK is the place to find government services and information online. Follow us. Twitter; Instagram; YouTube; Linkedin; Footer menu. Careers; Feedback and complaints; Data protection; Advocate Panels; Footer right menu ...
How we make our decisions - The Crown Prosecution Service
A CPS lawyer will then review all the information and decide whether we can bring a prosecution. At the CPS, it's our job to make sure that the right person is prosecuted for the right offence. We make this decision by applying our two stage legal test - …
Information and support for victims & witnesses | The Crown …
From reporting the crime to passing sentence, we explain here what happens, the role of the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) and what you can expect from us. The Crown Prosecution Service is working hard to improve the service we provide to victims of crime.
CPS News Centre - The Crown Prosecution Service
Transforming our service to victims at the CPS Being a victim of crime can be deeply traumatic, and for those who find themselves in the criminal justice system the process can feel overwhelming, unfamiliar, and incredibly challenging.
Careers at the Crown Prosecution Service
At the Crown Prosecution Service, we are responsible for delivering justice through the independent and effective prosecution of crime. As the principal prosecuting authority across England and Wales, the nature and diversity of cases we advise on and prosecute means our work is often emotionally challenging and complex.
CPS 2025 - The Crown Prosecution Service
This is our strategy setting out what we want our organisation to look like by 2025. It puts independence and fairness at the heart of how we deliver justice, and is intentionally ambitious and aspirational. It represents a step change - a turning …
The CPS Areas, CPSD, CPS Central Casework Divisions and CPS …
The CPS operates across England and Wales, with 14 regional teams prosecuting cases locally. Each of these 14 CPS Areas is headed by a Chief Crown Prosecutor, and works closely with local police forces and other criminal justice partners. Find out who’s who in your Area, and read more about local cases.