Re-Examining Eyewitness Identifications - NSF - National Science …
Apr 16, 2010 · "The major mistake is that of making an identification attempt even when the primary psychological mechanism for eyewitness identification (recognition memory) has failed," said Wells. "Eyewitness identification should not be an inference process, a deduction process, a 'best guess,' process or a figure-out-who-the-bad-guy-is process.
It is the purpose of this policy to establish guidelines for eyewitness identification procedures involving show-ups, photo arrays, and lineups. Erroneous eyewitness identifications have been cited as the factor most frequently associated with wrongful convictions.
Eyewitness Misidentification - The Exoneration Project
Best-Practices for Eyewitness Identification. In the last several years, numerous state and city jurisdictions have overhauled the eyewitness identification procedures used by their officers when investigating a crime.
Eyewitness ID Resources - NACDL
Dec 16, 2022 · Reports and other resources on eyewitness identification. Eyewitness Identification Reform, Innocence Project. Reevaluating Lineups: Why Witnesses Make Mistakes and How to Reduce the Chance of Misidentification, Innocence Project, 2009. Eyewitness Identification: A Policy Review, The Justice Project.
A perceptual scaling approach to eyewitness identification
Jul 14, 2020 · Eyewitness misidentification accounts for 70% of verified erroneous convictions. To address this alarming phenomenon, research has focused on factors that influence likelihood of correct...
Eyewitness Identifications: Key or Peril for Police Investigations?
Feb 4, 2025 · Several thousand identification procedures take place in Europe every year. A selection by the eyewitness can lead to the prosecution and conviction of suspects. However, as in the case of van der Dussen, it is possible for a sincere witness to confidently, yet erroneously, identify the suspect as the person who committed the crime.
Mistaken Identity: How Feedback "After the Fact" Influences ... - NSF
Jan 26, 2005 · It adds to a body of prior research on eyewitness identification that has had, in some police agencies, a substantial influence on lineup and related identification procedures, making it more likely that the guilty will be caught and the innocent not ensnared.
In the following pages, I will attempt to shed light on the proposed questions while delving deep into the controversy that is eyewitness identification. I theorize implementing universal procedural safeguards during lineups is necessary to reduce misidentification and ultimately wrongful convictions. However, I.
Jul 1, 2023 · EYEWITNESS IDENTIFICATION PROCEDURES: LEGAL AND PRACTICAL ASPECTS I. INTRODUCTION AND DEFINITIONS This Article focuses on legal and practical matters related to eyewitness identification of a suspect by means of a live lineup, showup or photographic lineup. A “live lineup” (sometimes referred to as a “physical
Eyewitness identification procedures: Do researchers and …
Apr 30, 2021 · The current study aimed to explore why many of the recommendations arising from eyewitness identification research have not been implemented in policing practice, and also to identify possible solutions to this issue.